Friends of Mandritsara Trust

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Oasis: A Place of Refreshment

I’m Claudia, Sarindra’s wife (he is the Head of Maintenance) and I run Oasis, the guest house on the Good News Hospital compound. It is a really quiet, peaceful place, away from the hustle and bustle. It is surrounded by Malagasy trees called ravinala, which are endemic to Madagascar. There are six bedrooms, five toilet/shower rooms, a large living room and a big kitchen. 

I am Malagasy, but I grew up in a very different region of Madagascar. I moved here to Mandritsara with my husband twenty-three years ago. I used to teach in the Good News School, where I loved to share the gospel with the children and their parents. Seven years ago, I became the manager of Oasis.  At first, I was disappointed that I would not be able to do much evangelism in this job, but I have learnt that it is still possible – and a privilege – to serve God in serving His servants, including those who visit to help the hospital. It is not only a place to calm the thirsty – as in a desert – but also a place where Christians from around the world meet and share with each other about God’s work and his word.

There are other two permanent guest house staff, and two more who work on Tuesdays when (before COVID-19) people gather to have lunch together. We help visitors feel at home by doing their laundry, helping with shopping and cleaning. We do it with joy, remembering the verse, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for men” (Colossians 3v23). Because of the corona virus, there are no visitors at the moment. We take the opportunity to learn God’s word and pray every day, as well as finding things to clean and take care of.

Once a week, I lead a prayer meeting with all the ladies who work in the guest house. I share the scriptures with them so that they will “grow in their faith and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3v18). My desire is that they will be active in sharing the good news. As they learn through working here, I hope that they will also apply it at home, cleaning things, cooking nourishing meals, practising hospitality and being a good example to others.

One of the ladies who works here has changed a lot over the years. When I started to work here, she worshipped idols with a family member and yet also went to church. Later, she decided to completely give up worshipping idols and she moved to another house to be more free. Praise God that she is interested in the bible and she always asks questions about God’s work. She is growing in her knowledge of Jesus!

Praise God for Claudia and the other faithful staff who work in the guest house. Pray that they will find useful things to do at work during this period without visitors.

Pray with Claudia for all her staff, that they would indeed grow in the knowledge of God and in his grace.