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News from Bako

Bako post op and Bible text: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in everything” 1 Thess 5:17-18

Bako has been the Malagasy language teacher for the missionaries in Mandritsara for many years. Before that she worked in the hospital laboratory and taught in the Good News School.

She lost the sight in one eye a few years ago due to a retinal detachment. She suffered a retinal detachment in the remaining good eye in early December. There is no resident retina surgeon in Madagascar so she tried to get to Germany, where she has a sister. But a visa was refused because of the Covid restrictions. Eventually, after much prayer and seeking a way, she was able to travel to Kenya on 7 January to see a retina surgeon in Nairobi.

Bako says: “The journey went very well and I felt well-looked after at each stage. When I arrived at Kip and Rachel's I was nearly completely blind. I had never met them before but knew what they looked like from prayer letters from David and Jane. So I could imagine their faces. (Rachel is the Manns’ daughter and she and Kip are UFM missionaries in Nairobi) Even when I met Katy (who I've known for a long time) I could only recognise her by her voice. The surgeon explained that it was an enormous tear in the retina but he would do what he could. But God heard the prayers of many people and answered the prayers. The day after the operation when they took off the bandages it was like getting another life! Straight away I could see the door, the doctor, the colour of cars in the car park and count the steps in Rachel and Kip's house. I could see their faces for real now!! It really is a miracle.

Bako and the Linley Family

Every day since I find that God continues to help me. I'm still noticing little improvements to my vision each day. After three weeks post-op I can see the monkeys in the trees of Mat and Katy's garden (they are now working with AIM in their regional office) as well as even the butterflies in the flowers! I can see and read some writing and this is improving too.

Even though I'm far from home I've felt well-looked after and welcomed into two families (Kip and Rachel and now Mat and Katy Linley). I'm so grateful to God for what he's done and is still doing and thank you so much to all those who have prayed for me.

My next appointment is the 23 February when the surgeon will plan the next steps of treatment. He needs to remove the oil which is in my eye from the last operation and probably remove a cataract at the same time. I will need to stay at least three weeks after the next operation before flying back to Madagascar.”