Regular Donations
Regular Donations to the Good News Project help us to plan ahead
For information about how to set up a regular donation, please select an option below. Once you have completed setting up your regular donation, please contact the Treasurer so we can expect and correctly identify your regular donation.
We encourage new donors to complete a Gift Aid Declaration form if they are a UK tax payer. If you are eligible for Gift Aid, please click here for the Gift Aid page.
To set up a regular standing order to Friends of Mandritsara Trust UK, please complete this standing order form - click here to download.
Please print, and complete the form and then post it to your bank. Please add your surname and initials in the 'reference field'.
If you are a UK taxpayer and are eligible for Gift Aid, please complete a Gift Aid declaration by clicking here.
Please contact the Treasurer once you have set up your standing order by clicking here.
You can set up an online standing order via your online banking. Please use the following details to set up the payments:
Bank: NatWest Bank
Account: Friends of Mandritsara Trust UK
Sort Code: 60-22-28
Account Number: 8152 5729If you are a UK taxpayer and are eligible for Gift Aid, please complete a Gift Aid declaration by clicking here.
Please contact the Treasurer once you have set up your online standing order by clicking here.
Please use the following account details if you are based outside the UK and wish to set up an online standing order:
Bank: NatWest Bank
Account Name: Friends of Mandritsara Trust UK
Bank address: 98 Wandsworth High Street, London, SW18 4ZD, United Kingdom
BIC / Swift code: NWBK GB 2L
IBAN: GB10 NWBK 6022 2881 5257 29Please contact the Treasurer once you have set up your standing order by clicking here.
You can give online using either of the following methods:
1 - PayPal
You can choose to pay using your payment card or via your PayPal account (if you have one). If you are a UK taxpayer and are eligible for Gift Aid, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration by clicking here.2 - Stewardship
For those paying tax in the UK, this also includes a Gift Aid option.Please contact the Treasurer once you have made your donation by clicking here.
You can give online using TotalGiving
Please contact the Treasurer once you have made your donation by clicking here.