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To follow the construction of the new maternity unit from 'below' is impressive. Even more impressive, however, is the bird's-eye view.
The walls are nearly complete! Workers have begun preparing the planks for the roof construction. These planks interlock like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle to extend their length.
"Something's wrong with my baby! I need help! This isn't normal!" Olivia is in a panic (true story, name changed for privacy
In certain areas in and near the hospital compound, “chink chink chink” is the constant soundtrack of life. It is the sound of the stone cutters at work.
For a pregnant woman, this journey of several days is exhausting. Lamina was incredibly happy when she finally saw Mandritsara in the distance and by chance even found a bajaj (a small three-wheeled taxi) that could take her and her companions.
Where better to start than at 2am last night… The lights in the new surgical building start are turning on one by one. The team are arriving…