Recent patients - Ramana and Mija

The names of the patients in this story have been changed for their privacy.

Ramana had complete urinary obstruction due to schistosomiasis (bilharzia) and was in total renal failure. With the Lord’s help, Ted Watts was able to remove the obstruction and re-plumb his ureters into the roof of his bladder allowing him to pass urine normally and his kidneys began to function again. “Even more excitingly Ted was saying that Ramana has seen God's kindness in saving his life and wants to continue to follow Jesus as he goes home.”

Please thank God for his kindness to Ramana and pray that those first steps in the Christian life would be solid ones as he learns to listen to and obey God's Word and settles in at church.


Mija is a lady who had life threatening pelvic sepsis and an ectopic pregnancy. “She was evacuated from her village by the Helimission helicopter after her family brought her to see the community health team during their week in the bush at the start of January. She was operated on that night and nearly died on the table. She had bled so much that her blood wouldn't clot any more.

Ted Watts operating

Ted Watts operating

Amazingly we managed to find 3 units of blood for her from the team and hospital staff (because she'd come by helicopter she only had 2 family members with her, neither of whom turned out to be compatible donors). This was enough to get her stable and when Ted took her back to theatre 36 hours later by God's grace the bleeding had stopped. She too walked out of hospital this week, and although she had definitely been listening to and thinking about the gospel during her stay. We're not 100% sure where she's ended up with Jesus.”

Please pray for her too - that she'd be thinking over all she's heard, that the Spirit would be at work in her heart, for Ted exploring this with her during outpatient follow ups and ultimately that she would see that the (incredible!) lengths to which God has gone to save her life 2 weeks ago pale into insignificance compared to what He did sending Jesus to die that she might have eternal life.

Join us for our next Mandritsara Prayer Day

Join us on Saturday 13th April from 2:00pm to 5:00pm either in person at Trinity Road Chapel in Tooting or online via Zoom. There will also be lunch available for those in person from 1:00pm.

Click here to find out more