Dust gets everywhere here in Mandritsara!

The cleaning department hard at work at the outdoor sinks - Photo used with permission

The cleaning department hard at work at the outdoor sinks - Photo used with permission

Dust gets everywhere here in Mandritsara! Even at the coldest time of year, the wind blows dust in through the gaps in the corrugated metal roofs, through the open doors and mosquito-netted windows. In the rainy season, the dust turns to mud and there are often flash floods and deep puddles. So keeping clean is a challenge for anyone – but in the Good News Hospital, where what can be found on the floor is by no means limited to dust, it is vital.

The cleaning department at the hospital is really aware that their role is important because it prevents the spread of germs. Usually some of the ladies of the department are already at work when I enter the hospital in the mornings, washing at the giant outdoor sinks. Other work in the hospital premises themselves, sweeping the floors and mopping up. The department also takes care of sewing repairs, so that broken bed linen or mosquito nets can be fixed on site.

“It can be difficult when there are two operating theatres in action,” said the head of the department, Madame Odile, “or when there are emergencies.” Although there are nurses on night shifts and a doctor and surgeon on call every night, the cleaning staff only work during the day. So a night of emergency operations means a big pile of laundry in the morning!

But Madame Odile is insistent that there are real positives.

“We work together with the Lord,” she says. “Every day, we put the work into His hands. We have courage always!”

Do pray for the vital work of the cleaning staff at the hospital, that they would commit their work to the Lord each day. Pray that they would have everything they need to work safely and well.

Join us for our next Mandritsara Prayer Day

Join us on Saturday 13th April from 2:00pm to 5:00pm either in person at Trinity Road Chapel in Tooting or online via Zoom. There will also be lunch available for those in person from 1:00pm.

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