News from Mandritsara

“We wait in hope for the Lord;
He is our help and shield.”
Psalm 33:20

Screenshot 2020-04-18 at 10.17.22.png

Dear friends,

Here is the scene at the entrance to the Good News Hospital, Mandritsara, this evening 17 April 2020. Ted Watts, missionary and senior surgeon, took the photo and he also sent the verse at the top of the page. What a wonderful reminder is the “bow in the clouds” that in these days of turmoil in the world, God is on the throne. And what an assurance the Word of God gives us in this psalm, that our lives are safe in God’s hands.

To all who have visited Mandritsara, the scene in the photo will be familiar, with the exception of the temporary shelter in the foreground. This is the triage centre where all new patients arriving at the hospital are seen and checked so that any displaying symptoms or signs that indicate Corona Virus infection can be sent to a newly created “red zone” to isolate them from the remainder of patients. 

For, like almost everywhere else in the world, Corona virus has reached Madagascar. As at yesterday’s date, 111 cases of Covid-19 had been confirmed in the country, but no deaths have been registered thus far. The Madagascar government has put stringent measures in place to try to limit the spread and development of the disease. These measures have had a big impact on the daily life and ministry of those in Mandritsara:

  • All schools and colleges have been closed – including the Good News School and the Nursing Training School.

  • Gatherings of groups of people have been banned – so churches are unable to hold meetings, and the daily gospel service in the hospital waiting area has been stopped.

  • All passenger flights in and out of Madagascar have been stopped. This means that short term helpers coming to Mandritsara, including doctors and surgeons, are unable to come. Also Dr Lesley Notghi, currently on home leave in the UK, is unable to return for the present.

  • The team from New Zealand and Belgium, due to arrive next week to finish the installation of the Solar Power system for the hospital and to commission the new Voice of the Good News radio station transmitter, are unable to travel to Madagascar at present.

  • All internal passenger flights are also cancelled. This means that MAF and Helimission are unable to operate.

  • Restrictions have been placed on internal movements within the country, so the Community Health Team are unable to visit the villages at this time.

  • A severe economic impact on the country is expected and this, together with the restrictions and local impact will have an effect on the income of the hospital and school.

  • Some limitations have been placed on local radio stations, but thankfully the Voice of the Good News is able to continue to broadcast and Pastor Julien is one of those who are speaking daily over the air, bringing the hope of the gospel before the people of the district.

Please pray for the missionaries and all the staff involved in the project that they may know strength, courage and compassion from the Lord to sustain them in the work, and vision as to how to use these unusual days for the best, and pray that many fearful souls might find the peace of God through the gospel.

With love in the Lord,
David and Jane

Join us for our next Mandritsara Prayer Day

Join us on Saturday 13th April from 2:00pm to 5:00pm either in person at Trinity Road Chapel in Tooting or online via Zoom. There will also be lunch available for those in person from 1:00pm.

Click here to find out more