Pray for our Latest Volunteers

Please pray for the following individuals/families who will be joining the Team in Mandritsara:

These friends have recently joined our Team in Mandritsara or shall do so in the next few weeks or months. May we ask you to encourage them with your prayers and correspondence.

If you have no contact details may we suggest that you email a more established member of the Team to forward your greetings?

Laure-Anne Waldmeyer – (SIM France)

Laure-Anne is a midwife who has served several times in the project. She is mainly training the midwives at the maternity ward. She ahs also helped the students of the nursing school with their work at the end if their training. She will stay until April 

Rachel Adams - (UK)

Rachel is a midwife and arrived after a number of delays due to the Covid pandemic in late December 2021. She hopes to be with the Team for six months.

Esther Lawrence - (SIM-UK)

Esther is a doctor who has recently completed her basic medical postgraduate training. She hopes to be with the team for six months.

Brendan and Shannon Petersen and family - (Pioneers Int. - Australia)

They arrived in Mandritsara just late 2021. They are at present engaged in local language study before staring their medical work in March 2022, in the Good News Hospital and with Community Health.

Jeremy and Felicity Aitken and family - (AIM-Australia)

They are at present in France for language study and hope to travel on to Madagascar in the near future. Jeremy is an anaesthetic and post-op nurse while Felicity, a midwife,  will be caring for their four children initially.

Lydia Longstaff - (UK)

Lydia is close to completing her higher surgical training in the UK. Her time in Madagascar was delayed several times on account of Covid. She arrived early January 2022 and will be with the Team for a year.  

Joel and Joyce Chin and family - (SIM -UK)

They arrived in early January 2022. Joel is an anaesthetist and Joyce is a GP. They have already started work in the Good News Hospital. Joel will hopefully set up useful protocols for the new PAACS Surgical theatre block.

Lucy Rurlander - (UK)

Lucy has just completed her secondary schooling in the UK and is working as a teaching assistant with Naomi Coleman for three months.

LIFT - (N.I.-UK)

Ian Little (father of Louise) led a Team of four Electricians in January 2022 to help set up the new Surgical Block. LIFT is Christian charitable organisation based in Northern Ireland which supplies short-term technical expertise.

Join us for our next Mandritsara Prayer Day

Join us on Saturday 13th April from 2:00pm to 5:00pm either in person at Trinity Road Chapel in Tooting or online via Zoom. There will also be lunch available for those in person from 1:00pm.

Click here to find out more