The Good News School in a Global Pandemic

Madame Faniry, the headteacher of the Good News School, writes....

Thank you very much for praying for the Good News School.  It's so encouraging for us to know that you are praying for us. For about one month in April, the pupils were not allowed to go to school and during that period, each week, the teachers gave work to the pupils that was to be completed at home. The two classes who are going to take the officials exams were back to school on the 5th of May and the other classes have been back since the 15th of May.  Since then, pupils at preschool and primary school have been going to school part time: they are divided into two groups, one group goes to school each morning and another each afternoon.

For the majority of the last academic year, only the pupils who were going to take the official exams were in school, the rest of them were at home. Seven months without school has left many of them behind where they should be. Online school is not possible for the majority of families so we gave out worksheets but we noticed that this was not really effective. Furthermore, staff have remarked that pupils have been more difficult to manage since returning to school.

  • Please pray for the organisation of the school day and the logistics of managing many different timetables and keeping pupils separate from one another.

  • The teachers who are working very hard to ensure pupils catch up on all they have missed

  • The difficulty in managing the pupils.  Pray that the children will get used to the school environment again and be well behaved.

  • The pupils who study part time; that they will still be interested in learning and motivated in their study.

  • The two classes who are going to take the official exams: the first exam will be on 6th July and the second one on the 19th July. The health of these pupils, their motivation, their concentration, and their preparation of the exam.

  • Please pray for me as headmistress, that I might have the time and energy to do the job well and that I might display the character of Christ in all I do.

Join us for our next Mandritsara Prayer Day

Join us on Saturday 13th April from 2:00pm to 5:00pm either in person at Trinity Road Chapel in Tooting or online via Zoom. There will also be lunch available for those in person from 1:00pm.

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