Not your average teaching job…

The missionary team in Mandritsara are currently looking for someone to help with home education for English-speaking children of varying ages from different countries. Naomi Coleman reflects on her experiences of serving in this way:

“Supporting the missionaries families who live on the compound of the Good News Hospital is a great way to make a real difference to the project. There are currently half a dozen primary-aged kids who I teach, enabling their parents to work in the hospital, serve the missionary team in other roles or just catch up on things they need to at home. I'm a qualified teacher, but lots of the things that I do don't require formal training. Sometimes I'm just helping kids as they progress through a self-study work book – I'm very grateful to hold the answer book! - and sometimes I'm helping children learn through playing educational games or hearing them read. My teaching experience in the UK has definitely been helpful, particularly when teaching the British kids. But as the team expands to include children from more different nationalities, an open mind and a willingness to look at education from different perspectives are perhaps just as useful as a background in one particular school system. 

I've served here for almost seven years now, and it will soon be time for me to leave. But I'd love to pass the baton on to someone else, someone who loves being with kids and wants to help them learn. If you – or someone you know - has a desire to be a part of sharing the gospel with needy people, is ready to work with parents and children to help them learn in English, please prayerfully consider getting in touch with us.”

Please pray with us:

  1. Thanking God for Naomi and all she has done serving God in Mandritsara during the past 7 years

  2. For God to raise up someone to serve in this role.  

  3. For the children of missionary families in Mandritsara, that they would know Jesus and be well cared for as they learn and grow.

Join us for our next Mandritsara Prayer Day

Join us on Saturday 13th April from 2:00pm to 5:00pm either in person at Trinity Road Chapel in Tooting or online via Zoom. There will also be lunch available for those in person from 1:00pm.

Click here to find out more