It is now over 16 years since a youthful Diamondra Ramboarison came to Mandritsara with a vision to set up a gospel radio station. 365 days each year, 7 days a week and 15 hours each day on 92 mhz, the little team of Diamondra and 3 others are faithfully filling the airwaves around Mandritsara with Good News. Let’s ask him to tell us more about “The Voice of the Good News.”
Tratra ny Taona Happy Birthday FFBBM!
This year sees the 90th anniversary of the Association of Bible Baptist Churches of Madagascar. Many of you will know some of the history of how this association of churches came to be, by God’s grace. However some will not...
A journey of hope and faith – the story of “Rasoa”
The chapter of Rasoa’s story that brought her here to the hospital began 9 months ago when she became pregnant. Alongside the medical care that Rasoa has received here at the hospital, she has regularly heard the truths of the Gospel shared on the ward. Rasoa says that she knows Jesus and in what she has heard here at the hospital, the Resurrection has particularly stood out to her.
The Saturday Bible Club
One of the indicators of a healthy church is its burden for reaching children with the gospel. In 2003 another ministry was started, the Saturday Bible Club, we rejoice that the Saturday Bible Club has just celebrated the closing service for its 2022 year back in action
Engineering Ministries International (EMI) Update at the Good News Hospital
We are extremely grateful here in Mandritsara for the financial support of the recent evaluation by Engineering Ministries International (EMI). The Good News Hospital began working with EMI in 2021 after suspecting that the hospital was outgrowing some critical infrastructure such as water and electricity.
Change in leadership at Ambohimandroso Church
At the beginning of the project, Antanantsimihety church (“the big church”) was built in Mandritsara town. As it grew and grew, and the need for a Bible believing church in the area immediately around the hospital became evident, Ambohimandroso church (“the little church”) was planted…
For those who haven’t met us yet, we are the Petersen family
For those who haven’t met us yet, we are the Petersen family, we arrived from Sydney, Australia in November 2021 and have since been settling into life in Mandritsara…
Wednesday Evening Fellowship
Each Wednesday evening, Malagasy and missionary team members on the hospital compound meet together for the Wednesday Evening Fellowship. For many, this meeting is a highlight of the week, and it is a wonderful expression of the unity that we have in Christ.
An interview with Dr Tefy, Surgeon in training at HVMM
Reasons for celebration - New Theatre and PAACS
On 14th January 2022, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Malagasy minister of health to HVMM, to cut the ribbon and inaugurate our new surgical building. On the same day, we had out white coat ceremony for our first PAACS residents.