The Good News Project has always depended on the Lord to provide the financial needs of the Project, and He has graciously supplied the needs of the Project for the past 25 years. He is truly “The Lord who provides”. Read the updates from FoMT Treasurer, Richard Bulmer.
An Encouraging Story from Louise and Cathy
Louise Little and Cathy Armstrong are nurses from the UK working at the Good News Hospital. This month they are keen to share a story that has encouraged them.
The church in Beangezoka
Beangezoka is a village about 13km North East of Mandritsara accessible by some challengingly muddy roads. A church was planted there some years ago now. Sadly, the pastor Rakotomalala passed away in December 2019, and so the church is now being led by a young man called John.
Meet Miora
This week we'd like to introduce to Miora, who is a close friend of many of the missionaries and we'd love you to pray for her as she takes on a new role - I am originally from the capital, Tana, but moved with my family to Mandritsara 13 years ago. I have worked at the hospital for four years now.
Berton and Mananara
Berton is one of the hospital evangelists. He has been leading a team who is involved in church planting in a town called Mananara on the East coast of Madagascar. It is a materially wealthy town compared to Mandritsara due to the booming vanilla trade. However, the spiritual need of the area has been keenly felt by the project leadership for some years now.
The Challenge of Leaving Mandritsara
We were not prepared for leaving Mandritsara and Madagascar to be so difficult. I think it is fair to say that much thought and preparation goes into cross-cultural service; much less goes into home-country re-entry. And so well over a year after having left Madagascar, we feel we are still in the transition state.
What do these Stones Mean?
In October 1993, the Good News Hospital signed a contract with a building company from Antananarivo for the construction of the first phase of the hospital. At that point only a third of the funds needed for the construction were in hand. “What will you do if the funds don’t come in?” people asked. “Pray.” Was the reply. “We have no other source of funds. God is our only resource.”
Oasis: A Place of Refreshment
I’m Claudia, Sarindra’s wife (he is the Head of Maintenance) and I run Oasis, the guest house on the Good News Hospital compound. It is a really quiet, peaceful place, away from the hustle and bustle.
Come and see what God has done!
COIVD-19 and Child Health
The current pandemic has interrupted essential vaccination and healthcare services. Thankfully we have a God who cares about every man, woman and child affected by this pandemic. We can continue to plead with him to halt the spread and limit the impact of COVID-19.