In December 2020 Bako developed a retinal detachment in her only seeing eye, rendering her effectively blind. We praise the Lord that after 3 operations, Bako is now back in Mandritsara
A Break from School
The missionary children are taking a break from school over the holidays but there are plenty of opportunities for play - with the basketball court, bike rides, and games of ultimate frisbee over the wall with our neighbours
A Hospital Update from Lucy Hinds
It is getting busier here at the hospital, with cases of severe malaria and intestinal bleeding caused by bilharzia. We are glad that the numbers of patients with possible Covid have tailed off, although we are still seeing some cases of severe disease.
Current Needs
We’ve just updated the current needs for the team in Mandritsara. If you would be interested in serving alongside the team in any of these roles, please contact the team leader.
Solar Saga
Solar power for a hospital in rural northern Madagascar is what we might call something of a no-brainer. However, a significant storm in late 2017 resulted in water damage to the equipment with repeated attempts to make the necessary repairs meeting difficulties at every turn.
The Good News School in a Global Pandemic
Thank you very much for praying for the Good News School. It's so encouraging for us to know that you are praying for us. For the majority of the last academic year, only the pupils who were going to take the official exams were in school, the rest of them were at home. Seven months without school has left many of them behind where they should be.
Pray for the Community Health Team
This team of seven, led by Andry, go out by bicycle, motorcycle, landrover, canoe and helicopter to visit remote villages. They undertake vaccination programmes, health education and gospel presentations. Please pray for the community health team.
Tropical Diabetes and the Good News
A sick woman was brought in by her mother from a distant village. She weighed less than 30kg and looked at once younger and older than her 35 years. The story was vague and the patient perhaps confused but she was so weak that she could not sit up and all her bones showed.
Jehovah Jireh – The Lord who provides
The Good News Project has always depended on the Lord to provide the financial needs of the Project, and He has graciously supplied the needs of the Project for the past 25 years. He is truly “The Lord who provides”. Read the updates from FoMT Treasurer, Richard Bulmer.
An Encouraging Story from Louise and Cathy
Louise Little and Cathy Armstrong are nurses from the UK working at the Good News Hospital. This month they are keen to share a story that has encouraged them.